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May 12, 2023/

To read data from a web page using VBA, you can utilize the Internet Explorer object. Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from a web page: Sub ReadDataFromWebPage() Dim ieApp As Object ' InternetExplorer.Application Dim ieDoc As Object ' HTMLDocument Dim url…

May 12, 2023/

Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from a Word document: Sub ReadDataFromWord() Dim wdApp As Object ' Word.Application Dim wdDoc As Object ' Word.Document Dim filePath As String Dim fileContent As String ' Specify the path and filename of the Word document…

May 12, 2023/

To read data from an SQLite database using VBA, you’ll need to leverage the SQLite ODBC driver and connect to the database using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects). Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from an SQLite database: Sub ReadDataFromSQLite() Dim conn As…

May 12, 2023/

Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from a SQL database using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects): Sub ReadDataFromSQLDatabase() Dim conn As Object ' ADODB.Connection Dim rs As Object ' ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Connection string for the SQL database Dim connStr…

May 12, 2023/

Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from an Access database file (.mdb or .accdb) using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects): Sub ReadDataFromAccess() Dim conn As Object ' ADODB.Connection Dim rs As Object ' ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Specify the path and…

May 12, 2023/

Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from an Access database file (.mdb or .accdb) using SQL queries: Sub ReadDataFromAccess() Dim db As Object ' DAO.Database Dim rs As Object ' DAO.Recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Specify the path and filename of…

May 12, 2023/

Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from a TXT file and displays it in a message box: Sub ReadDataFromTXT() Dim filePath As String Dim fileContent As String ' Specify the path of the TXT file filePath = "C:PathtoyourFile.txt" ' Read the contents…

May 12, 2023/

Here’s an example of VBA code that reads data from an Excel worksheet and displays it in a message box: Sub ReadDataFromExcel() Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim data As String ' Open the…

May 1, 2023/

Dear friends, I’m excited to share with you a tutorial on how to automate real-world scenarios in PDF using VBA programming. You can watch the full video by clicking on the link below, or use the links in the Table of Contents to skip to…

May 1, 2023/

Here is example of how to create or delete Command bar button on runtime.  Option Explicit Sub del_faceID() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("faceid").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub add_faceID() Dim cmdBar As CommandBar, bt As CommandBarButton, i& del_faceID Set cmdBar = Application.CommandBars.Add _…

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