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May 11, 2023/

Here’s an example of an OfficeScripts function to add two numbers: function addNumbers() { // Define the two numbers to be added var number1 = 5; var number2 = 7; // Add the two numbers var sum = number1 + number2; // Display the sum…

May 11, 2023/

To update data in an Access database using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the ADODB.Connection object to establish a connection to the database and execute an SQL UPDATE statement. Here’s an example of an OfficeScript that demonstrates the concept: function main() { // Get the URL…

May 11, 2023/

To delete data from an Access database using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the ADODB.Connection object to establish a connection to the database and execute an SQL DELETE statement. Here’s an example of an OfficeScript that demonstrates the concept: function main() { // Get the URL…

May 11, 2023/

To read data from an Access database using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Recordset objects to establish a connection to the database and retrieve the data. Here’s an example of an OfficeScript that demonstrates the concept: function main() { // Get the URL…

May 11, 2023/

To append data to an Access database using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the Office.context.document.url property to get the URL of the current Excel workbook. You can then construct an SQL INSERT statement and execute it using the execute method. Here’s an example of an OfficeScript…

May 11, 2023/

To read data from a SQL Server database using OfficeScripts, you can make use of a server-side endpoint that exposes the data through an API. You can then use the fetch function to send a GET request to the endpoint and retrieve the data. Here’s…

May 11, 2023/

To update data in a SQL Server database using OfficeScripts, you can utilize a similar approach as for appending and deleting data. You would make a PUT or PATCH request to the server-side endpoint that handles the database operations. Here’s an example of an OfficeScript…

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