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May 11, 2023/

To loop through all non-formula values in a range using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the values property of the Range object. Here’s an example of a function that loops through all non-formula values in a range: function loopThroughValuesInRange(rangeAddress) { // Get the active worksheet var…

May 11, 2023/

To loop through all formulas in a range using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the formulas property of the Range object. Here’s an example of a function that loops through all formulas in a range: function loopThroughFormulasInRange(rangeAddress) { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet =…

May 11, 2023/

To loop through all sheets in a workbook using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the worksheets property of the Workbook object. Here’s an example of a function that loops through all sheets in a workbook: function loopThroughAllSheets() { // Get the active workbook var workbook =…

May 11, 2023/

o find the first row and column with values in a sheet using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the UsedRange property of the Worksheet object. Here’s an example of a function that retrieves the first row and column with values in a sheet: function findFirstRowAndColumnWithValues() {…

May 11, 2023/

To send a notification to a Teams chat using OfficeScripts, you can make use of the Microsoft Teams API by sending an HTTP POST request. Here’s an example of a function that sends a notification to a Teams chat: function sendTeamsNotification(message) { var url =…

May 11, 2023/

OfficeScripts does not provide a built-in capability to directly access OneDrive or retrieve a list of files. However, you can use the Microsoft Graph API in conjunction with OfficeScripts to achieve this functionality. The Microsoft Graph API allows you to interact with OneDrive and retrieve…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s an example of how you can achieve this: function checkCellColorIsBlue(rangeAddress) { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet(); // Get the range based on the provided address var range = worksheet.getRange(rangeAddress); // Load the fill object to access its color context.load(range.format.fill, 'color');…

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