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May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to create a PowerPoint presentation, add shapes, and add text to the slides: function createPowerPoint() { // Create a PowerPoint presentation var presentation = context.presentation.create(); // Add a slide to the presentation var slide = presentation.slides.add(); // Add…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to read various properties of a range in Excel: function readRangeProperties() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Get a range to read properties from var range = worksheet.getRange("A1:C3"); // Read range properties var…

May 11, 2023/

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. function readSheetProperties() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Read sheet properties var sheetName =; var sheetIndex = worksheet.position; var sheetVisibility =…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to store data in Range objects and read data from them: function storeAndReadDataFromRange() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Get a range to store data var range = worksheet.getRange("A1:B2"); // Data to be…

May 11, 2023/

Here are some examples of creating sample objects: function createSampleObjects() { // Object with string values var person = { name: "John Doe", age: "30", occupation: "Engineer" }; // Object with number values var product = { id: 12345, price: 9.99, quantity: 5 }; //…

May 11, 2023/

OfficeScripts does not natively support 3D arrays. However, you can achieve similar functionality by using nested arrays within nested arrays. Here’s an example of how you can create a data structure that behaves like a 3D array: function create3DArray() { // Define the dimensions of…

May 11, 2023/

To create a 2D array in OfficeScripts, you can use nested arrays. Here’s an example of how to create a 2D array and assign values to it: function create2DArray() { // Define the dimensions of the 2D array var numRows = 3; var numCols =…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates various types of variables and how to assign data to them: function sampleVariableAssignments() { // String variable var name = "John Doe"; // Number variable var age = 30; // Boolean variable var isActive = true; // Array variable…

May 11, 2023/

To loop through all shapes in a sheet using OfficeScripts, you can utilize the shapes property of the Worksheet object. Here’s an example of a function that loops through all shapes in a sheet: function loopThroughShapesInSheet() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet =…

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