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May 16, 2023/

To rename a sheet in a Google Sheet using Apps Script, you can use the setName() method of the Sheet class. Here’s an example code snippet: function renameSheet() { var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheetName = 'Sheet1'; // Replace with the name of the sheet…

May 11, 2023/

To export data from the current sheet’s range A1:E100 to a new Excel workbook, you can use the following OfficeScript: function exportToExcel() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Define the range to export var range = worksheet.getRange("A1:E100"); range.load("values"); return context.sync()…

May 11, 2023/

The major components of OfficeScripts for developers include: OfficeScript Runtime: The OfficeScript Runtime is the underlying engine that executes OfficeScripts. It provides the necessary infrastructure and capabilities to interact with Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. OfficeScript Language: OfficeScripts are written in…

May 11, 2023/

 Here’s an example of an OfficeScript that exports data from the current sheet’s range A1:E100 to a CSV file: function exportToCSV() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Define the range to export var range = worksheet.getRange("A1:E100"); range.load("values"); return context.sync() .then(function()…

May 11, 2023/

 Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to add a VLOOKUP formula to a cell in Excel: function addVLookupFormula() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Define the cell where you want to add the VLOOKUP formula var cell = worksheet.getRange("A1");…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to create a Word document, add paragraphs of data, and save the document: function createWordDocument() { // Create a Word document var document = context.document.create(); // Add paragraphs of data to the document document.body.insertParagraph("Hello, World!", "Start"); document.body.insertParagraph("This is…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that compares two sheets and highlights the differences in range A1:D100: function compareSheets() { // Get the active workbook var workbook = context.workbook; // Get the first and second sheets var sheet1 = workbook.getWorksheets().getAt(0); var sheet2 = workbook.getWorksheets().getAt(1); // Get the…

May 11, 2023/

Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to read various properties of a pivot table in Excel: function readPivotTableProperties() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Get a pivot table to read properties from var pivotTable = worksheet.getPivotTables().getAt(0); // Assuming the…

May 11, 2023/

 Here’s a sample OfficeScript that demonstrates how to read various properties of a range in Excel: function readRangeProperties() { // Get the active worksheet var worksheet = context.workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Get a range to read properties from var range = worksheet.getRange("A1:C3"); // Read range properties var…

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