Delete data in SQL DB using Python

To delete data from a SQL database using Python, you need to establish a connection to the database and execute a delete query. Here’s a sample code to delete data in a SQL database using the pyodbc package

import pyodbc

# Connect to the database
connection = pyodbc.connect(

# Create a cursor
cursor = connection.cursor()

# Delete query
delete_query = """
    DELETE FROM your_table
    WHERE condition_column = ?

# Delete data
condition_value = "value_to_delete"
cursor.execute(delete_query, condition_value)

# Commit the changes

# Close the cursor and the connection

print("Data deleted successfully!")

In the code above, replace 'your_driver', 'your_server', 'your_database', 'your_username', 'your_password', 'your_table', and 'condition_column' with the actual values corresponding to your SQL database, table, and condition.

The code establishes a connection to the SQL database using the pyodbc.connect() method.

A delete query is defined with a placeholder (?) for the condition value.

The condition value is provided as an argument to the cursor.execute() method.

After deleting the data, the changes are committed using connection.commit().

Finally, the cursor and the connection are closed, and a success message is printed to the console.

Make sure to have the pyodbc package installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install pyodbc

Remember to handle any exceptions that may occur during the database connection or delete operation for proper error handling.

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