Write data to word document using Python

Here’s an example code in Python to write data to an Access Word document using the docx library

import docx

# Open the Word document
doc = docx.Document('path/to/document.docx')

# Define the data to be written
data = [
    ['Name', 'Age', 'Gender'],
    ['John', '25', 'Male'],
    ['Sarah', '30', 'Female'],
    ['David', '22', 'Male']

# Add a table to the document
table = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=3)
table.style = 'Table Grid'

# Add the header row to the table
hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
for i in range(3):
    hdr_cells[i].text = data[0][i]

# Add the data rows to the table
for row in data[1:]:
    row_cells = table.add_row().cells
    for i in range(3):
        row_cells[i].text = row[i]

# Save the changes to the document

print('Data has been written to the Word document successfully.')

This code opens a Word document using the Document() method, defines a list of data to be written to the document, adds a table to the document using the add_table() method, adds the header row to the table using the first row of the data list, and adds the data rows to the table using the remaining rows of the data list. Finally, it saves the changes to the document using the save() method and prints a message to indicate that the data has been written successfully.

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